King of Gems, the ultimate symbol of desire. Dramatic, dazzling, never demure. Diamonds
always have a story to tell, a secret to reveal and a mystery to solve. This
eternal gem's ability to radiate power and inspire passion is unsurpassed.
Diamond, Natural Color
These true "miracles of nature" created over billions of
years deep in the earth, by a combination of tremendous pressure, time and
improbable circumstances are by definition not treated in any way. The color
is permanent and can consist of every color in the rainbow, from the
beautiful rare browns and yellows to the extremely rare and amazing reds and
Celebrated in ancient manuscripts as the most precious of
all gems, the ruby is the inspiration for innumerable legends and myths. To
this day no red gemstone can compare to it's fiery rich red hues. It's
brilliant, crimson colors are associated with passion and love.
The amulet of good fortune, emeralds symbolize rebirth and an
abundance of life. The rich green hue brings to mind regeneration of life
and hope for new possibilities. The Emerald is the birthstone for May and
talisman of Gemini.
Symbolizing a pledge of trust and loyalty
these stones can be velvety blue, liquid blue, or even cornflower
blue. Beloved for centuries as the ultimate blue gemstones.
The rarest and most unique blue sapphires come from Kashmir.
Sapphire, Fancy Color
Like the endless colors that appear in the
sky, Sapphires are also found in many other shades besides blue; the
gold of sunrise, the reddish -orange of sunset and even the delicate violet
of flowers. One of the rarest of the Fancy Color Sapphires is a pinkish
orange to orange pink stone called Padparadsha.
Pearls are mysterious gems which are born perfect needing to
additional treatments to enhance their naturally luminescent beauty. They
have been revered by many civilizations throughout history were once the
rarest and most precious gems in the world. They occur naturally in a
stunning palette of colors and variety of sizes and shapes.
The purple color of Amethyst has
long been considered a royal color, so it is not surprising that Amethyst
was so much in demand through out history. Fine Amethysts are featured in
British Crown Jewels and were also a favorite of Catherine the Great.
Traditional birthstone for the month of February.
Named from French word for lemon
"citron" since Citrine has juicy lemon color. Sunny and affordable,
citrine can brighten almost any jewelry style, blending especially well with
the yellow gold. Alternative birthstone of November
Garnet traces its roots to the
Nile Delta in 3100 BC were Egyptian artisans would craft the gemstone in to
beads or inlay them in to hand -wrought jewelry. The versatile garnet comes
in a virtual rainbow of colors.
Birthstone for the month of January

The Egyptians said that Topaz was
colored with the golden glow by God of the Sun. Topaz sometimes has
the amber gold of fine Cognac, or the blush of peach, and all beautiful warm
browns and oranges in between. Same rare and exceptional examples are pale
pink to sherry red. Blue was ones most rare color Of Topaz- is today
most common, thanks to a stable enhancement process that turns colorless
Topaz blue Birthstone of November and talisman of Sagittarius.
Tourmaline has a palette of colors
to express every mood. Vivid reds, hot pinks, verdant greens and blues
abound in this marvelous gem variety. Not only does Tourmaline occur
in spectacular range of colors, but it also combines those colors in a
single stone gemstone called by-color Tourmaline. One color combination with
a pink center and green outer rim is called "watermelon" Tourmaline, and is
cut to thin slices similar to its namesake.
Peridot is treasured in Hawaii as
the goddess Pele's tears. The fresh lime green of Peridot is its
distinctive signature Peridot is birthstone for for the month of August.
Valued for thousands of
years, chrysoberyl is a surprising gem and an action gem, changing and
moving in response to light. In the gem world, these special effects are
known as phenomena. The gem varieties of chrysoberyl respond to light in
surprising ways.
The best-known special
effect of chrysoberyl is an eye, which is displayed when certain specimens
of this gem are cut in a dome shape. Cat's-eye chrysoberyl has a pupil-like
band of light that sweeps across its dome. The "eye" is caused by fibrous
inclusions that reflect the light in a sharply defined pattern. The effect
is uncanny and quite cat-like. The color of cat's-eye chrysoberyl ranges
from a honey-brown to an apple green with rich gold colors generally the
most valued.
Since at least 2950 BC,
jade has been treasured in China as the royal gemstone. Jade is a bridge
between the spiritual and the material world.
Jade is usually cut
into smooth dome shapes called cabochons. Jadeite bangles are also very
popular in Asian countries. Beads are also very beautiful and some important
jadeite necklaces made during the art deco period have fetched hundreds of
thousands of dollars in auctions. Most treasured for its vivid greens, jade
also comes in lavender, pink, yellow, and white.
The ancient Romans
theorized that moonstone, with its unearthly shimmer, was formed from frozen
moonlight. This appealing gem variety does shine with a cool lunar light but
it is the mineral feldspar, quite terrestrial in origin. The shimmer, which
is called schiller or adularescence.
Moonstones come in a
variety of colors. The body color can range from colorless to gray, brown,
yellow, green, or pink. The clarity ranges from transparent to translucent.
The best moonstone
has a blue sheen, perfect clarity, and a colorless body color. Fine
moonstone is quite rare and becoming rarer.
Revered as a symbol of
hope and purity, opal was dubbed the Queen of Gems by the ancient Romans
because it encompassed the colors of all other gems. Opal is prized for its
unique play of color, the ability to diffract light into flashes of rainbow
Opal occurs in different colors, ranging from semi-transparent to opaque.
The most common is white opal. The most valued variety, black opal, has a
dark blue, gray, or black body color. Bright yellow, orange, or red fire
opal are quite different from the other varieties of opal. Their day-glow
tones, which are translucent to transparent, are beautiful with or without
play of color. Opal, along with tourmaline, is the birthstone for October
and the suggested gift for the fourteenth anniversary.
Turquoise is among the oldest known gemstones. It graced the necks of
Egyptian Pharaohs and adorned the ceremonial dress of early Native
Americans. This robin egg blue hued gemstone has been attributed with
healing powers, promoting the wearer's status and wealth.
Turquoise is an opaque, light to dark blue or blue-green gem. The
finest color is an intense blue. Turquoise may contain narrow veins of other
materials either isolated or as a network. They are usually black, brown, or
yellowish-brown in color. Known as the matrix, these veins of color are
sometimes in the form of an intricate pattern, called a spider web.
Lapis Lazuli
The beautiful blues in paintings from the Renaissance are thanks to the blue
of lapis lazuli, the opaque blue gem material that was the secret ingredient
in ultramarine, the valuable pigment that all the old masters used to
capture the rich blues of the sea and sky and the robes of the Virgin Mary.
The color wasn't duplicated by any other substance until 1834 but even now,
some argue there is no substitute: unlike other pigments ultramarine
centuries old still glows with rich color today.
As befits a gem that has
been international currency for millennia, the name lapis lazuli is mélange
of languages. From the Latin, lapis means stone. From the Arabic,
azul means blue.
Used for adornment since prehistoric times, coral inlays and ornaments have
been found in Celtic tombs from the Iron Age. An organic gemstone from the
sea, coral was believed to bestow wisdom, protect from evil, heal wounds and
calm the soul. White is the most common color in coral, but a variety of
other shades can be found, including pink, orange, red and black. The rarest
color is a deep red.
Coral is commonly enhanced to improve its color and durability. White
coral is bleached. Pink coral is permeated with a colorless wax and orange
coral is stabilized with plastic. Black coral is sometimes bleached to
create gold coral. Occasionally, red coral is dyed to deepen or uniform its
color. All commonly used forms of coral enhancement are stable.
Phenomenal Gems
Exciting! Alluring! Imagine the sense of awe the ancients must
have felt when they first gazed at phenomenal gemstones. Imagine the
thoughts that must have coursed through their minds! Now, open your
mind to that same sense of wonder as you experience a gemstone that
transcends the mystery of color, to the magic of phenomenal
Certain, special gemstones have the unique ability to display a
majestic star pattern, the intriguing feline like cat's-eye, the
almost hypnotic billowing sheen of moonstone, and the playful
iridescent patterns of contrasting color seen in fire agates and ammolites.
The star effect, known as asterism, appears as rays of a star
across the domed surface of the gemstone and is most often seen in
ruby, sapphire, quartz, garnet and spinel. It is produced when a
strong source of light reflects off of the multitude of
geometrically arranged layers of threadlike inclusions that inhabit
these unique gems.
If the threads in the
gemstone all align themselves in a single direction, much like the
strands in a spool of thread, the reflection will appear as a single
ray of light called chatoyancy, or cat's-eye. The cat's-eyes occur
in chrysoberyl, tourmaline and quartz.
The silvery glow that
floats across the surface of a gem somewhat like a moonbeam across a
fog enshrouded lake, is called adularescence, or the moonstone